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Basic rules for lawn care

Your lawn is a living thing and like all living things, unfortunately it will deteriorate as it gets older.  Similar to servicing a car, if you regularly maintain its condition, you can avoid big repair bills. Replacing a lawn is expensive; it is cheaper to look after what you have but if you neglect your lawn, it will quickly deteriorate.,

Watering your lawn

All living things require water and although grass can tolerate dry weather, prolonged periods of dry weather can cause damage. If we have more than 2 weeks of dry weather you need to water. If after walking on it your grass stays flat and does not spring back up then it requires water.


To water correctly leave a jar with a line ½ inch from the bottom under your sprinkler when the water reaches the line move the sprinkler and start again. It is better to water heavily once a week than every night. Watering every night will encourage the roots to turn towards the damp surface and encourage moss.


Grass responds to regular mowing and feeding. Never cut your grass shorter than 1 – 1.1/2 inches and never remove more than 1/3 of its overall length at any one time. Remove clippings. Do not scalp the grass especially in dry weather. If the grass is not growing quickly just give it a light cut to tidy it up. Let it grow longer in very dry weather – it will become more drought tolerant.

Leaf fall and other debris

Try to remove leaves as soon as you can. Just leaving them on the grass for a few days can weaken grass. Grass needs to receive sunshine or it will die.

Weeds and moss

Weed seeds and moss spores are carried on the wind, land randomly and quickly establish themselves. Weeds are easier to control 2 applications of a professional herbicide will keep your lawn 90% weed free.


Moss is usually the biggest problem on most lawns and must be treated every year to avoid causing serious damage. A good moss control product turns the moss black. Be careful not to apply too much or you may scorch your lawn. Dead moss must be raked out and seed sown in bare patches of your lawn


Lawns under shade and in sheltered positions stay damper longer and dampness encourages moss. Grass also requires a few hours of sun each day to grow correctly. If you can, cut back branches and shrubs to let light and airflow onto the lawn


Heavy clay soils tend to be poorly drained and hold water, encouraging dampness. Thin sandy soils drain too quickly. Clay soils need sand and sandy soils need organic matter added in order to retain moisture.

Contact us and we will arrange a convenient time. 

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